Sunday, September 18, 2011

First grand day out in the cities

Saturday was our first big day out in the cities. We left the hovel of an apartment that still looks like it's been ransacked by the Nazi's who overturned Indiana Jones' room to find his father's journal.
Three months until the wedding, so we are now on full throttle to get shit done. Our first stop was Midway Rental to get some items for table decorations. Fiance got a bit weepy at the stuff we chose. 
We drove over to Yum! For lunch. As I pulled into the nearly full parking lot, there was a spot right up front that required a very good turning radius on the car. I couldn't make it on the first attempt, but as I started to back up to get a better angle on it, the guy behind me began to honk his horn.
"What the hell?" I said.
"Lets just move out of the way so he can get into the lot," fiancé said.
I moved the car down the way a bit, and the fucker took my spot. I found one other empty spot in the lot, but hulk me was starting to break out of the cage. My attuned fiancé soothed me by pleading not to start some shit. I settled down.
After lunch, where I kept eyeing the room on the look out for the jerk in order to, I don't know, glare at him or something, we went off to pick out groom attire.
"This is all you, now, so you get what you want," fiance said.
I knew that this just meant I would get to sort of pick stuff. The attendant was very helpful and we put together a spiffy black pinstriped suit jacket with a silver/black patterned vest, black tie and silver pocket square. Every time the person asked for a decision, fiancé was very happy to make it. I put in my two cents. But my favorite thing was when we had to decide between to similar looking pocket squares and fiancé would turn to me "it's your decision." 
Me: "It is?"
I'm a shit.
So with that done we went to a jewelry shop and got an amber necklace and ring for Fiance's something old. Amber is more than 100 million years old, so that should about do it.
Not once during this whole day did I do my typical whining or grumpy gus stuff. I was a doll. A doll! But fiancé apparently wanted more. She asked why I wasn't having a good time.
"I'm having a good time."
"I can't tell."
"I'm just fine. I'm not hating this, but I'm not going to start being a cheerleader either."
"But can't you be excited?"
"I am."
"You don't show it."
"Sorry. I just don't know how to do that. Have I once been crabby today?"
"No. Now that you say that, it's pretty amazing."
"I know! I feel like I've been a peach! An absolute peach!"
This conversation repeated about four times during the day.
So after all this, we rewarded ourselves with Cinematic Titanic, an event where many of the people from Mystery Science Theater 3000 do their riffing over a movie. Saturday's movie was Rattlers, where some snakes get highly aggressive due to military experiments. It's set up as a mystery as we follow the main guy, a snake expert from the local university who sounds exactly like Jimmy Stewart in the Jimmy Stewart role, yet he was no Jimmy Stewart.
Fiance had gotten stage side seats for an extra couple bucks, which meant we were in fold out chairs that we constantly worried we would break, and next to a woman who just wouldn't. shut. Up. During the opening section of the evening where each cast member came out and did a bit of stand up. It's very hard to enjoy Frank Conniff when the bitch next to us keeps whining about not having four seats together when they were late to the show, then fiddle dicking around with money to get more drinks, then even turning to fiancé and asking her a question. I apologize here to Frank, but during this time, I decide to just turn my whole body and watch this woman's show, glare at full speed, until she settled down again.
The people on our other side were nice enough, and we had a pre-show chat about moving to the cities, weddings, the theater we were in, and so on. The woman stole fiance's popcorn at the end of the night. Just grabbed it and walked out of the theater.

An odd highlight of the evening was during the break between the stand up and the show, we went to the bathroom. the theater bathrooms were packed, so fiance and I went next door to the mexican restaurant where I did my business in a hurry. I came out of the stall after nearly passing out from the smell of digested Yum, and there was Frank Conniff at the urinal. I did not say hi. I don't believe in invading a man's privacy in a restroom.
The show itself was wonderful, once one was able to forget the neighbors and the seats that seemed on the verge of breaking to the point that I had several  battle scenarios ready in case it happened during the movie. The movie was perfectly chosen for the riffing. It was even taped for a DVD release. Not sure how they frame it, but I wonder if I'll be able to pick out my laugh, or fiance's "oh my god" during a scene where a snake crawls into a bathtub.
We plan to do one fun thing a month in the cities, show-wise, and cinematic titanic was our first winning out over John Oliver and Ani DeFranco. It was well worth it.

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