Monday, October 17, 2011

Wrath of the allergies

A few years ago, fiance was getting sinus infections every 6 weeks. Has been for  a long time, as she didn’t develop sinuses like the rest of us. She’s been having them so long that normal antibiotics are useless for her. It’s a sucky situation. 

Then, a specialist had her tested for allergies. She turned out to be allergic to most everything, and gets double hit with the sub-zero Fargo air in the winter. We started allergy shots two+ years ago. After the first few months, they trained me how to do it so we could take care of it from the comfort of home with her favorite television show to distract her.

She still curses me every week. Gives me dirty looks when I say it’s time for her shot.
The whole process is simple. Take a Benadryl pill. Wipe the two vials, fill half the syringe with one, top it off with the other. Wipe her arm. Shoot her with the medicine. Slather anti-itch cream on it and slap a cold pack on her arm. For two days, she has a red welt. 

She now gets sinus infections once every six months, if that. It’s been working well.

Then we moved. And once the syringes ran out, it was time to get more. I never had issues with getting them in Fargo. The medicine comes in the mail. I just pick up a new 10 pack when we need them at the drug store. I went into Target on Tuesday to pick some up, and met all sorts of glares and sass.

“We don’t carry allergy syringes. People do that at the clinic. You need a prescription.”

Same thing at the nearby Walgreens. 

I wanted to yell, but criminy, they were bitchy about it. Let’s just say, for shit’s sake, that I wanted syringes for illegal drugs. What sense does it make to have them be prescription-only devices? The only thing this policy does is force drug users to re-use and share needles. Way to go, Minnesota.This whole shot thing is simple, and I've been doing it for more than a year now. I'm more than capable of doing this and saving 30 bucks a week rather than Fiance having to go in to a clinic and lose time at her new job.

OK, so I had Fiance transfer whatever info they needed, and we were cool, but today I tried to pick them up and it turned out the transfer went to a Target in Minnetonka, not Plymouth. So after getting lost trying to find the place during rush hour, I finally had the syringes. After picking out the flowers for the wedding, we got home and it was time for the shot.

These new Target syringes were different than the ones I got in Fargo. The Fargo ones had a cap on the top and on the plunger. Just pull them off and you are ready to go. These syringes just had a cap on the needle. I pulled off the cap, and there was no needle.


So it appears the needle is still in the cap. I try pulling it apart. Nothing. Try again. Nothing. Keep applying force and the needle pops out to my surprise and IM STICKING MY FINGER WITH IT AND OH MY GOD THE BLOOD get me to the sink “Why are you so horrible?!” I yell at the needle that I am sure broke off in my finger because it feels hard and swollen (that’s what she said) but a closer look at this demonic thing from medicinal hell confirms that it didn’t break off and I am a wuss and now Fiance decided to go to bed because “why would I seriously want you to give me a shot now?” but she really will use any excuse to get out of getting a shot dear lord I hate these new syringes.


  1. Thanks for writing (all your blogs), you have a great talent for relaying the fine moments of everyday life, keep it up.

  2. Thanks for reading and the compliment. I needed that today.

  3. I eagerly look forward to your blogs as well - I got my mom and coworker hooked on them too. :) I even downloaded an RSS reader to my phone so I could subscribe easily and never miss one.

  4. Wow! Thanks so much! Who knew how me sticking myself with needles and telling strangers I love them would work so well in a blog?
