Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dead Horse for UND logo!

I don’t have much to say that hasn’t already been said about the UND logo debate, and let’s face it, most people are pretty vocal to the point of not being able to hear the other side anyway. If there are any commonplaces in this mess, they include:

1.     That this whole situation is ridiculous
2.     That the other side is ridiculous
3.     That one’s own side is the only logical thing in the world to believe in and Oh My God how stupid are you to keep bringing up this issue during the time of existence where things were going well for my side and we should have let it rest.

It looks like the powers that be are retiring the Fighting Sioux logo, leaving a Native American sized hole in the hearts of many North Dakotans and UND graduates.

For this reason, I am starting a campaign to submit Dead Horse as the new logo.

There are many great reasons for this:

1.     The name is vaguely Native American enough to vaguely offend some people without being specific enough to cause problems.
2.     Dead Horse loves a good beating, and any UND logo needs to be able to take a good beating.
3.     Zombies are "in" right now.
4.     Dead Horse will love you no matter how hard you pound him and no matter what sorts of implements you use to clobber his bones.
5.     If you have been on a college campus lately, you know that they are great places to go to kill time while you wait to grow up. They are also great for debates that have been talked to death over the course of existence. College campuses are full of students that like to discuss our bullshit bourgeois society and the death of capitalism. What better symbol of this Ouroboros of intellectualism than Dead Horse? Except maybe an Ouroboros, I guess. 
6.     Because how cool would it be to have a dead horse as your mascot?

It has also been suggested that "Dead Horse" by Guns N' Roses would make a great school song. How rocking would that be? Extremely. The answer is extremely rocking.

So vote today, vote often. Long live the UND Dead Horses!

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