Friday, November 4, 2011

Pickledick part II

I’ve posted previously on the topic of resumes, and how they are like ass holes, everyone has an opinion:

This short post is a continuation of that conversation. To recap, the conversation between fiance and hairdresser three weeks ago. 

Hairdresser: I showed your fiancee’s resume to that rich client I talked about. He said it disgusted him. The resume has a lot of problems, and he can see why your fiancee doesn’t have a job.

Fiance:  That’s pretty harsh. I’ve looked at it, and I don’t see anything “disgusting.”

Hairdresser: But this guy is rich, so he knows what he’s talking about. Obviously you should rewrite the resume.

(Since then, I have had two professional recruiters look at the resume, and both have said it looks very professional, and had one or two changes in a simple word choice, which I appreciated)

(cut to yesterday)

Hairdresser: I was in English class yesterday, and for some reason I had your fiancee’s resume on my computer. My English teacher said it was the worst resume he’d ever seen.

Fiance: That’s funny, since he’s been using that resume and has had 12 job interviews in the last couple weeks. It’s working like gangbusters.

Hairdresser: Oh really? I never said it was bad.

1 comment:

  1. Really, I don't think class warfare would be all that bad.
