Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crappy Superpowers

I've always been a fan of superheroes. Supernatural powers rock, no matter if you get them from a mutation or from cosmic rays, or are just born in Xanth. Side note, I've always wondered why the X-men and other mutants are  hated so, while others who get their superpowers through other means are loved.
Anyway, with all these kick ass powers going around: Flight, healing, strength, lazer vision, there have to be some really crap powers out there as well that we never hear about. Powers that wouldn't really be a big help in any situation. Yes, I spend some time during my day thinking about this shit.
Crappy superpowers:
You poop rainbow colors.
Can turn a gecko into a gerbil.
Get shocked anytime you are 3 feet from an outlet.
Can hear things backward.
Elbows bend opposite direction.
Can seal your eyes shut at will.
Hair grows 50 percent faster than normal.
Can turn gold into lead with power of your mind.
Power to not get annoyed by traffic (this might be useful).
Can teleport your foot anywhere, but you bleed out when you do.
Farts taste like candy.


  1. Ability to turn your face into a butt.

  2. Holy crap, I'm glad I wasn't drinking water, cause it would have come out of my nose! Wait, there's another crappy power - ability to laugh water out of your nose whether or not you are drinking water.
